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Czech public agent streets sex on Extreme Streets

Extreme Streets 4 - PART 3
10k USD Vaginal Prolapse

10k USD Vaginal Prolapse

This is really amazing. The bitch has big holes that the iPhone fits in with no problem. With such a glory pussy, she could go to the Guinness Book of Records, and instead, she distributes leaflets here. A satisfied milf, fucked in all holes by a dick and an iPhone, leaves with 20k USD for her holidays. The mission was accomplished. She gives us a horny blowjob and we said goodbye. I'm already looking forward to another trip.

Extreme Streets 4 - PART 1
iPhone in Vagina for 10k USD

iPhone in Vagina for 10k USD

Today Libor and I met a friendly post lady, she distributed leaflets in a small town. She revealed that her name was Lenka and that her salary was not worth it. Her pay is 8K CZK per month, that's really slavery. I offered her that if she took part in our challenge which is shoving her iPhone into her vagina, she would get 10k USD. She was not at all surprised by what we wanted from her, on the contrary, she wondered if we would give her money before or after. That's what I call a successful hunt. We entered the alley next to the abandoned house and she began to demand her rewards. Libor quickly agreed that he would give it to her, but if he had to give it a blowjob. And so it all began.

Extreme Streets 3 - PART 4
Cone in the Ass

Cone in the Ass

I just found a shovel, I think it will be a great challenge, if Libor fucks her with it, it will be an extreme. The wife which sold herself to us handled it and she really enjoys it, her husband will be surprised what a golddigger he has at home. Someone must have left a cone here and I know exactly what I'll do with it. It was easy enough to wave with a large amount of money in front of her face and she sat her ass on the cone. Libor finally cum over her wide-open ass hole while she sucked the cone and we left her there with a load of cash. Bye Bye bitch greetings to your husband.

Others search matches for czech public agent streets sex

Czech Streets 27
18 y/o model

18 y/o model

Holiday, hot weather and half-naked girls everywhere. Who would stay at home? I went into the streets and headed directly to the swimming pool in Podoli. But then something happened that I have never experienced before. I met an incredibly tall and pretty eighteen-year girl at the bus stop. I had big problems to address this beauty, as she completely drove me out of my mind. I immediately pulled out my trick with the modeling agent looking for new faces. It worked in out perfectly and I got a chance for further persuading in a nearby restaurant. But she was relentless that I had to do something I had never done before. I begged her to fuck with me. I promissed her 26 000 cash and that I will manage her to be a famous model. I admit that now that I have a bit of bad conscience. Check out this extremely beautiful catch.

Czech Streets 28
Beautiful and expensive

Beautiful and expensive

I love summer because it is full of beautiful girls dressed "economically". Only a fool would sit at home, so I grabbed the camera and went out, direction of the pool. Again, I turned into the role of agent of a modeling agency and plunged into action. But then an absolutely incredible thing happened. When I was in the middle of persuading one girl, the girl named Lucka, who I had recorded on New Year's Eve. You sure remember this beautiful blonde, because she did not want to fuck on camera. She was really mad at me because that video completely ruined her life. I took her for coffee in order to calm her down, but it was no fun, because the girl really was in serious trouble. I got an idea of helping her with a proper package instant dough for a fuck. The nasty chick asked for one hundred thousand, but she had no idea that I will give her. I called my buddy and swiftly got the money, because that beautiful pussy was really worth for it. What do you think?

Czech Streets 26
Linda and her huge natural tits

Linda and her huge natural tits

Let me reveal you a great trick, how to ball a nice girl. I walked around the streets pretending to be an agent of modeling agency seeking new talent. But the girls didn't even have to go for the casting, because I took some pictures with my phone directly on the sidewalk. This new technique of fishing brought me a beautiful girl who works as a vice-president of one company. Because she was just heading for lunch, I invited her to a restaurant and I talked her into something for a really long time. Even if she did not agree to have sex with me, she agreed to show me her wonderful breasts and pussy at the toilet. She hurried back to the office, but she gave me her phone and I don't give up so easily. I ran to the station because it started to rain. There I saw a pretty girl with huge breasts. It found out she was from Slovakia and had just arrived in Prague. My trick with modeling worked on 100%, and even if she was very shy, she showed me something of her huge tits for 1 000. When I added 10,000 CZK in the pot, she lost her inhibitions and I managed to fuck her in a nearby park. It turned to be a dramatic event, because we are constantly being disturbed by passers-by, but finally everything went well. You sure will enjoy this film. Have fun.

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